29. apr. 2013

Cambodia: Does this plan look ok/ help

I'll be in Cambodia from the 9th of November for 3 weeks in/out from Siem reap.
My rough plan is to visit these places.
Siem reap/angkor
Kompong Cham
Phnom Penh
I want to see the main things like Angkor temples, bokor hill station, rabbit island, bokor national park, boat ride, floating village, street stalls, waterfalls etc and everything each place has to offer individually.

I'll be travelling mainly by bus I think, but I don't really want to miss out on the opportunity to get a boat down the Tonale Sap -does that only go to Battambang from S.R, should I go to Battambang.
It seems a lot to me on paper but most people seem to spend only one or two nights in each place, so I think i'll do that but spend 3 in Seiem reap and Shinouksville.
Does this sound like a good plan, I have missed the North east off completley. is that STUPID or will it make it all too rushed if I include that.
After I have made my down from Siem reap to Kep/Kampot?Shinouksville can I travel up the West side of Cambodia to Battambang and get back to Siem Reap that way.
If anyone who has done it or are doing or I have missed off any places that you may of seen I would be very grateful of any replies, thanks for any ideas in advance
(to be continued)