8. maj 2016

Afghanistan 11 inshallah airlines

Generally speaking if you don't wear a vest they will think you're either a stupid tourist, a Pakistani, a boy or effeminate and not necessarily in that order.
In Kabul you will probably feel silly wearing a full shalvar kamiz and vest, so best to go with the trusty David Attenborough uniform of a normal long sleeve shirt and trousers, usualy something like blue and beige or similar. have a look at what most of the Afghan men wear around Kabul and you'll cotton quickly. (no pun intended)

Air Travel: 
Ariana Afghan National Airline is jokingly called 'inshallah airlines' for a reason, and Kam Air and Pamir air aren't far behind. The chances of your flight even showing up on the day you've booked the ticket for are directly proportional to the will of God. Even the regular routes like Kabul-Herat are unreliable and it isn't uncommon for people to have to wait up to three days to get a flight out.
(to be continued)