1. mar. 2016

Afghanistan 8 homosexual rape

Afghan men will kill each other of matters of honour, and the slightest, most abstract provocation can often be enough.
Along the same vein never be alone with Afghan men in areas out of public view, especially at night, never accept drinks that aren't shared with the host (ie the same tea pot)
One related issue (for men too) is that of homosexual rape. Yes, you read that right, this is not as strange as it sounds.
If you find yourself alone with an another Afghan male, Pashtuns in particular, be very aware that he quite likely may interpret your presence without other locals for company as an invitation for sex.
They may also believe they have a right to take it anyway, and the idea of forcing submissive sex with another male is in no way uncommon.
Nobody talks about this due to it being haram in islam, but it is a serious issue, and not just one for women to be careful of.
(That said don't go around thinking you're going to be raped by every male offering hospitality, like everything, just be aware)
(to be continued)