27. jun. 2016

Afghanistan Handy Tips:

Your vest will have lots of pockets, it's what Afghans use them for, you should too. ;)
Write your blood type on your boots. A good idea is to wear a small neck-chain or leather or rope around your neck and get a band-aid (plaster) and write on it both your blood type and nationality (the latter in english and Persian)
The reason for this is if you are unlucky enough to have some unfortunate event befall you, they won't search your pockets unless you're already dead - if you're alive the first things they'll remove are your shirt and shoes. - The best solution is to have blood-type, NKA (No Known Allergies: or allergies if you have them) and nationality in Persian.
I have it written on the collars of all shirts also, on a folded cloth-strapping tape on a poly-neck chain and on the cover of the notepad that is always in my pocket as well as blood type on boots - both sides and the tongue.
It may sound paranoid but it saves lives.